With well over a year behind us from the time we first heard of COVID-19, we’re now in a strange space. Many aspects of life are moving forward “as usual” yet some people are dealing with a new way of life that includes symptoms and side effects of being a “COVID long-hauler.“
Long-haulers came to my attention from the direct experience of one of my clients, someone who has been through the Ten Series and has been receiving “tune ups” periodically. Recently she had been experiencing fatigue and mind fogginess and despite multiple doctor appointments and tests, they weren’t finding a specific treatable cause.
Thinking her breath might have something to do with it and determined to get beyond these symptoms, she approached me to explore whether Structural Integration would help open up any restrictions inhibiting her ribs for more lung capacity and to perhaps also positively affect the vagus nerve.
The basic premise of SI.. is that we don’t attempt to fix a problem; instead we work toward a better organization of the organism relative to the gravitational field of the earth in the hope that this reorganization will help the organism solve the problem on its own. With the main goal to release tissue surrounding the lungs and a secondary goal of freeing up the vagus nerve, I was excited to work with her. Here’s what she shared with me after our session.
I just wanted to let you know how absolutely F A B U L O U S I feel after our Rolfing session. I was a bit tired the rest of Monday but okay and drank extra fluids. I woke up yesterday, Tuesday, and felt like I could run a marathon (almost); my breathing was good, I could think clearly, move better, and I started wondering if I should just cancel my Friday pulmonary function test and Monday morning appointments with the pulmonologist. This morning I got up and started working on my computer (have not done that well since January or before). Just a little feedback. I will probably keep the pulmonology appointments, but I do keep thinking my money may be better spent with voice lessons and Rolfing.
A long-hauler & Rolfing client
She did keep the pulmonary examination and function appointments (which I encouraged) and they did not find anything. As she and others continue to navigate life after COVID, I support the exploration of alternative healthcare such as Structural Integration which views the body as a holistic organism. When given a chance for better organization and more space to function, perhaps the body will experience relief in ways we couldn’t even anticipate.